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Jeanne Lee
Post 90: A Legacy Letter Can Be a Treasure Trove
A palliative care social worker once commented to me, “You know what I hear most often when I suggest legacy projects?...‘I wish I’d...

Jeanne Lee
Post 86: How Has Your Physical Health Affected Your Spiritual Health?
Palliative care is optimally provided by multiple experts (for example, physician, nurse, social worker, and chaplain) working as part of...

Jeanne Lee
Post 83 - How to Find Gratitude Even in Times of Fear, Anger, or Sorrow
"He had a heart attack? HE had a HEART ATTACK? He just ran a marathon last month! We thought the chest pain was indigestion! What...

Jeanne Lee
Post 78 - "If You Really Loved Me, You Wouldn't Leave Me" and Other Things We Say When We're Hurting
I hear doctors comment that their colleagues feel like they have failed in the face of impending death of one of their patients (though I...

Jeanne Lee
Post 77: "There Is No Pill for Grief" - Two Types of Coping with Grief
Sometimes family members will comment, "He's still crying off and on since his wife died last month" and follow up with, "Can you...

Jeanne Lee
Post 76: 10 Children's Books That May Help You Talk About Dying, Death, and Grief
"Can you recommend any books I can read with my kids to help me talk about dying?" is a question I occasionally hear during a palliative...

Jeanne Lee
Post 72: A Sense of Purpose - 3 Suggestions for Regaining It When Illness Has Taken It Away
A sense of purpose. Sometimes this may be our primary source of strength, endurance, and resiliency at a time when health issues and...

Jeanne Lee
Post 70: It's Not Cowardly to Not Want to Know
"I always thought I was brave and a go getter, that I could handle just about anything. But I don't want to know the CT scan results. I...

Jeanne Lee
Post 68: 7 Suggestions for Supporting a Demoralized Loved One
We have probably felt demoralized at certain points in our lives: - receiving a "Needs Improvement" on an annual evaluation from your...

Jeanne Lee
Post 65: Optimism and Hope
"Staying positive" and "being optimistic" are probably two big ways to keep motivated in making the best of each day and working towards...
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