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I am passionate about educating, enlightening, and encouraging patients and family members to advocate for their best health care, where ever they may be on their health journey. 


I have given talks to caregivers, discussing when one might consider palliative care and when one might consider hospice support.  I have given talks to healthcare professionals, providing pointers on how they might discuss prognosis or bring up hospice support in a straightforward, gentle way.  


I can speak on a number of topics, such as

(for patients or care partners)

What to consider when making big medical decisions 

What to consider when feeling overwhelmed with living with serious illness

What to consider when communicating with doctors


(for patients, care partners, or healthcare professionals) 

What palliative care can look like and when it could be helpful

What hospice support can look like and when it could be helpful

Which advance directives are the most effective in real life scenarios 


Recent Talks


"When Could I Consider Palliative Care versus Hospice?"

39th Annual Western Regional Oncology Conference

The Hospitals of Providence

February 2024

El Paso, Texas


"Palliative Care versus Hospice? How Do I Know It's the Right Time for Either?"

West Texas Caregiver Conference: Virtual Series

Alzheimer's Association

February 2024

El Paso, Texas

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"Bringing Up Hospice Doesn't Have to Uncomfortable: Clinical Pearls for Your Practice"

                  2023 JADPRO Live

Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in                           Oncology

                    November 2023

                   Orlando, Florida

"Dr. Lee was so awesome!"  "Excellent talk"   

"Could tell she truly cares about patients." 

"...More than 115 individuals from across 80 counties in Texas attended either in person or viewed the zoom recording. We appreciate Dr. Lee for sharing her time and expertise with the constituents we serve and look forward to future collaborations." 

"...powerful and unique, integrating role play to help bridge the gap between knowledge and practical application and to reinforce clinical pearls....We received feedback that it was the best session presented that year."

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