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Jeanne Lee
Post 96: Bounding to Bedbound – Feeling Frustrated, Sad, and Uncertain as a Loved One Loses Their Strength
"He's being lazy. He was fishing a year and half ago. He should be able to get out of bed." "He's being stubborn. He knows what he...
Jeanne Lee
Post 92: Seven Approaches to Helping a Loved One "Let Go" of Driving
“I don’t think Mom should drive anymore. I tell her, but she doesn’t listen to me!” When I used to conduct palliative care home visits...
Jeanne Lee
Post 76: 10 Children's Books That May Help You Talk About Dying, Death, and Grief
"Can you recommend any books I can read with my kids to help me talk about dying?" is a question I occasionally hear during a palliative...
Jeanne Lee
Post 75: How Palliative Care Can Change a Life - Sliding Doors Moment #2
A “sliding doors moment” is a seemingly inconsequential moment that ultimately affects the trajectory of future events in a dramatic...
Jeanne Lee
Post 74: “Maybe It’s Time to Let Go Of Some Medicines” or Why Your Doctor Might Deprescribe
If we have always equated taking medications with protecting our health – “Take your blood pressure pills. It’ll decrease your risk of...
Jeanne Lee
Post 73: A Personal Note - An Unexpected Connection
Writing this entry is a means of letting out and letting go of one of my frustrations as an advocate. I consider any of us attempting to...
Jeanne Lee
Post 68: 7 Suggestions for Supporting a Demoralized Loved One
We have probably felt demoralized at certain points in our lives: - receiving a "Needs Improvement" on an annual evaluation from your...
Jeanne Lee
Post 63: 4 Steps to Supporting Your Loved One Who is Praying for a “Miracle”
Certain words seem to inspire strong instinctive emotional responses when expressed among patients, family members, doctors, nurses, and...
Jeanne Lee
Post 62: "My Husband Returned from the Hospital Confused! Will He Get Better?" - 4 Considerations
When I used to do home palliative care visits (read Post 1: What Exactly Does a Palliative Care Specialist Do?), I would often see...
Jeanne Lee
Post 61: The "Supportive Family" - Two Perspectives on Support
I stepped into the patient's home as the man behind the door said, "I'm so glad you're here. I don't know what to do." He shut the...
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